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Brend arhetip kviz

Detaljan kviz koji će vam pomoći otkriti arhetip vašeg brenda. Nakon što saznate koji je vaš, imat ćete jasnu viziju što dalje učiniti sa svojim brendom.

Brend arhetip rezultati i upute

Nakon ispunjavanja Arhetip kviza, pronađite svoj rezultat i upute za kreiranje brand identiteta.

Zbog veličine datoteka smo sve stavili u .zip datoteku.

SOP za postavljanje Google Ads računa

Ako tek počinjete s Google oglasima, ovo je ono što vam treba – detaljan popis za provjeru s (puno) slika kako biste ovo učinili što lakšim.

Spojite Google Analytics 4

Detaljne upute kako spojiti Google Analytics 4 koristeći Google Tag Manager.

Spojite Facebook Pixel

Optimizacija oglasa bez Facebook pixela je nemoguća i zato smo napravili detaljni priručnik koji će vam pomoći povezati Pixel s vašim Shopify shopom.

SOP za postavljanje Google Ads računa

Ako tek počinjete s Google oglasima, ovo je ono što vam treba – detaljan popis za provjeru s (puno) slika kako biste ovo učinili što lakšim.

SOP za postavljanje Facebook Ads računa

Ako tek počinjete s oglasima na Facebooku/instagramu, ovo je ono što vam treba – detaljan popis za provjeru s (puno) slika kako biste ovo učinili što lakšim.

Savršeni landing page

Svi pričaju o važnosti landing pageova ali nitko ne priča kako napraviti jedan. Zato je Offset Concepts napravio kratki tutorial kako napraviti savršenu landing stranicu.

Budite prvi koji će saznati kada izbacimo nešto novo

From our Blog

How Web Design and SEO Can Revolutionize Your Business Success

In the digital age we live in, your website often represents the first impression you'll make on potential customers. According to a Stanford University study, a staggering 75% of users form an opinion about your company based on the design of your website. However,...

Anatomija savršene landing stranice

Anatomija savršene landing stranice

Iako ne postoji točna formula za stvaranje savršene landing stranice, postoje neka uobičajena pravila koja mogu povećati šanse da napravite uspješnu. Ako tražite ideje o tome gdje započeti s dizajnom vaše sljedeće landing stranice, infografika u nastavku je odlično...

The Benefits of Integrating a Chatbot into Your Website

The Benefits of Integrating a Chatbot into Your Website

With advancements in technology, chatbots have become a popular tool for businesses to enhance their customer service and user experience. A chatbot is an artificial intelligence program that is designed to simulate conversation with human users, and integrating a...

Choosing the right CMS

Choosing the right CMS

Choosing the Right Content Management System for Your Website When it comes to building a website, choosing the right content management system (CMS) is a critical decision. A CMS is a software application that allows you to create, manage, and publish digital...

How much should a website cost

How much should a website cost

Creating a website or webshop can be a complex process, and one of the most common questions that people ask is how much it should cost. The answer to this question depends on various factors, including the complexity of the website, the features required, and the...

How to validate your project idea

How to validate your project idea

The success of any project largely depends on the validation of the project idea. Validation helps to determine the feasibility, market demand, and potential for success of the project. In software development, the process of validating a project idea is crucial, as...

7 Things You Need to Start a Website

7 Things You Need to Start a Website

What Do I Need to Start a Website? So you’re considering building a website, but you’re new to this whole thing. You don’t even really know where to start. It can be easy to find yourself frozen before you get started if you don’t have a clear list of steps to guide...